Who am I?

I am a full-stack software engineer. Ever since my first intro to computer science class in high school, I knew that I wanted to work with technology, using it to make life easier and more productive.

And so I pursued a Computer Science degree and have just finished honing my skills in current technologies through AppAcademy's rigorous curriculum.

Solving problems and simplifying everyday life has always been my passion, and coding gives me the chance to do just that. When I'm not coding, I enjoy spending time with family and friends and also hiking the great outdoors.

A few of my skills

  • I speak:
    • JavaScript
    • Ruby
    • Java
    • HTML5
    • CSS
    • Portuguese
  • I have used these libraries/frameworks:
    • React
    • Redux
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Node.js
    • jQuery
    • D3
    • Google Maps API
  • I have also used these tools:
    • Git
    • Heroku
    • MongoDB
    • PostgreSQL
    • Visual Studio Code
    • Android Studio

Some of my Projects

Coffee Wages

Group Project
Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, React, Redux, MaterialUi, Google API

Coffee Wages is an app focused on providing transparency to people working on the service industry, by allowing workers to post about their working conditions and consumers to frequent businesses that treat their employees fairly.

Smarter Trading

Solo Project
JavaScript, D3, FinnHub API

An app that displays historical stock data and suggests to the user whether it is time to buy, hold, or sell the stock.

Take a Hike

Group Project
JavaScript, React, Redux, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Google Maps API, Hiking Project API

A hiking assitant app where you can find/share/rate trails around you, save favorites to your profile, create lists and follow like minded hikers.

Whatever Note

Solo Project
React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, ReactQuill, Heroku, Webpack, SCSS, jQuery

A pixel-perfect clone of the note keeping web-app Evernote. It allows users to create notes with Rich Text Content and save them in different notebooks.